Download Was uns der Buddha heute sagt Band 1 Aufbau und Struktur der buddhistischen Lehre Buddhismus heute German Edition Victor Niculescu Books
Download As PDF : Was uns der Buddha heute sagt Band 1 Aufbau und Struktur der buddhistischen Lehre Buddhismus heute German Edition Victor Niculescu Books
Der Buddhismus erfreut sich zwar in westlichen Ländern seit Jahrzehnten zunehmender Popularität. Leider werden dabei oft nur einige Schlagwörter gedankenlos und plakativ übernommen, geben dann aber in ihrer vermeintlichen Bedeutung nicht annähernd die wirkliche Lehrmeinung des Buddha wieder. --- Hier werden nun die Kernaussagen der buddhistischen Lehre fundiert und doch allgemeinverständlich, also ohne sprachwissenschaftlich-intellektuellen Überbau vermittelt. Grundlage für diese Schriften ist der im 'Pali-Kanon' überlieferte Theravada-Buddhismus - also die weitgehend originalgetreu vom Buddha unterrichtete Form. Um ein ein Höchstmaß an Verständnis zu erreichen, wurde das Einzelhefte-Format gewählt. Dies kommt unserer abendländischen Aufnahmegewohnheit entgegen Wir verstehen ein komplexes Thema leichter, indem wir - sozusagen im Vorgriff - zunächst einzelne Begriffe verstehen. Querverweise erklären den jeweiligen Stellenwert im Gesamtzusammenhang der Lehre. --- In jedem Heft befinden sich als praktische Orientierungshilfe tabellarische Übersichten, Themenverweise zu anderen Heften sowie Literaturempfehlungen und ein kurzes Glossar. Dem ernsthaft Interessierten wird darüber hinaus empfohlen, sich aus der riesigen Bibliothek entsprechender Bücher zu bedienen. (Eine sinnvolle Auswahl findet sich in den Literaturempfehlungen.) --- Jede seriöse Auseinandersetzung mit dem Buddhismus ist stets ein 'work-in-progress'. Deshalb ist eine Limitierung dieser Hefte-Edition weder abzusehen noch geplant. Die Reihe wird in unregelmäßigen Abständen laufend korrigiert, ergänzt und durch weitere Bände fortgesetzt...
Download Was uns der Buddha heute sagt Band 1 Aufbau und Struktur der buddhistischen Lehre Buddhismus heute German Edition Victor Niculescu Books
Product details
Series Buddhismus heute (Book 1)
Paperback 92 pages
Publisher Independently published (March 20, 2019)
Language German
ISBN-10 1090307314
Tags : Was uns der Buddha heute sagt Band 1 (Aufbau und Struktur der buddhistischen Lehre) (Buddhismus heute) (German Edition) (9781090307316) Victor Niculescu Books,Victor Niculescu,Was uns der Buddha heute sagt Band 1 (Aufbau und Struktur der buddhistischen Lehre) (Buddhismus heute) (German Edition),Independently published,1090307314,Philosophy / Buddhist,Religion / Buddhism / Theravada
Was uns der Buddha heute sagt Band 1 Aufbau und Struktur der buddhistischen Lehre Buddhismus heute German Edition Victor Niculescu Books Reviews :
Ebook Rivoluzione OKR Scopri il metodo degli obiettivi e risultati chiave per misurare quello che conta davvero Italian Edition eBook John Doerr
Download As PDF : Rivoluzione OKR Scopri il metodo degli obiettivi e risultati chiave per misurare quello che conta davvero Italian Edition eBook John Doerr
Il leggendario venture capitalist John Doerr rivela come il sistema degli obiettivi e risultati chiave OKR abbia aiutato giganti quali Intel, Google e a raggiungere una crescita esplosiva – e come possa aiutare qualsiasi organizzazione a fiorire. Nell’autunno del 1999 John Doerr incontrò i fondatori di una start-up a cui aveva appena dato oltre 12 milioni di dollari, il maggiore investimento della sua carriera. Larry Page e Sergey Brin avevano una tecnologia stupefacente, energia imprenditoriale e ambizioni enormi, ma non un vero business plan. Perché Google potesse cambiare il mondo (o anche solo per sopravvivere), Page e Brin dovevano imparare a fare scelte chiare sulle priorità e al tempo stesso mantenere allineato il proprio team. Dovevano sapere quando tirare i remi in barca per le iniziative in perdita, per far rapidamente fallire quello che non funzionava. E avevano bisogno di dati tempestivi e pertinenti per tenere traccia dei progressi raggiunti, misurando quello che contava davvero. Doerr ha insegnato loro un metodo collaudato per l’eccellenza operativa Objectives and Key Results. Aveva scoperto OKR negli anni Settanta quando era ingegnere alla Intel, dove il leggendario Andy Grove (“il manager più grande di tutti i tempi”) era alla testa dell’azienda meglio condotta che Doerr avesse mai visto. In seguito, da venture capitalist, Doerr ha condiviso le idee di Grove con oltre cinquanta aziende. Ogni volta che il processo è stato messo in pratica fedelmente, ha prodotto grandi risultati.
Ebook Rivoluzione OKR Scopri il metodo degli obiettivi e risultati chiave per misurare quello che conta davvero Italian Edition eBook John Doerr
Product details
File Size 5187 KB
Print Length 296 pages
Publisher Edizioni LSWR (April 12, 2019)
Publication Date April 12, 2019
Language Italian
Tags : Rivoluzione OKR Scopri il metodo degli obiettivi e risultati chiave, per misurare quello che conta davvero (Italian Edition) - edition by John Doerr. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Rivoluzione OKR Scopri il metodo degli obiettivi e risultati chiave, per misurare quello che conta davvero (Italian Edition).,ebook,John Doerr,Rivoluzione OKR Scopri il metodo degli obiettivi e risultati chiave, per misurare quello che conta davvero (Italian Edition),Edizioni LSWR
Rivoluzione OKR Scopri il metodo degli obiettivi e risultati chiave per misurare quello che conta davvero Italian Edition eBook John Doerr Reviews :
Download PDF The Confidence Gap A Guide to Overcoming Fear and SelfDoubt Audible Audio Edition Russ Harris Steven Hayes PhD foreword Graeme Malcolm Audible Studios Books
Download As PDF : The Confidence Gap A Guide to Overcoming Fear and SelfDoubt Audible Audio Edition Russ Harris Steven Hayes PhD foreword Graeme Malcolm Audible Studios Books
Too many of us miss out on opportunities in life because we lack self-confidence. Whether it's public speaking, taking on a leadership role, or asking someone for a date, there are situations in which we just don't feel equipped to handle the challenges we face. Russ Harris offers a surprising solution to low self-confidence, shyness, and insecurity Rather than trying to "get over" our fears, he says, the secret is to form a new and wiser relationship with them. Paradoxically, it's only when we stop struggling against our fearfulness that we begin to find lasting freedom from it. Drawing on the techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a cutting-edge form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, The Confidence Gap explains how to Free yourself from common misconceptions about what confidence is and how to build it; transform your relationship with fear and anxiety; clarify your core values and use them as your inspiration and motivation; use mindfulness to effectively handle negative thoughts and feelings.
Download PDF The Confidence Gap A Guide to Overcoming Fear and SelfDoubt Audible Audio Edition Russ Harris Steven Hayes PhD foreword Graeme Malcolm Audible Studios Books
"Note: I listened to the audiobook with the book as a companion.
It was such a great book that I have purchased 4 additional copies and send them to friends! Not sure how this book has been under the radar compared to other books of its category but in my opinion, it is by far the most practical book I have read in the realm of self help since "first thing first" by Covey circa 1994!
The author explains concepts, gives personal examples, then gives exercises to readers/listeners. The book is an easy read but not easy to grasp. I probably listened to some chapters 5 -6 times. The book has a golden list of values that sets it apart from others. There are many concepts in the book to prepare you for the real world. I have found the following very useful so far:
- Workability - Action first - Value based success
In the past 30 years, every decade, 1 or 2 books have been paramount to my personal growth and development, and "Confidence Gap" is definitely on this decade's list!
PS: the narrator in the audio version has an amazing and captivating voice."
Product details
Audible Audiobook
Listening Length 7 hours and 39 minutes
Program Type Audiobook
Version Unabridged
Publisher Audible Studios Release Date December 9, 2014
Whispersync for Voice Ready
Language English, English
Tags : The Confidence Gap A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt (Audible Audio Edition) Russ Harris, Steven Hayes PhD (foreword), Graeme Malcolm, Audible Studios Books, ,Russ Harris, Steven Hayes PhD (foreword), Graeme Malcolm, Audible Studios,The Confidence Gap A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt,Audible Studios,B00O80XTZQ
The Confidence Gap A Guide to Overcoming Fear and SelfDoubt Audible Audio Edition Russ Harris Steven Hayes PhD foreword Graeme Malcolm Audible Studios Books Reviews :
The Confidence Gap A Guide to Overcoming Fear and SelfDoubt Audible Audio Edition Russ Harris Steven Hayes PhD foreword Graeme Malcolm Audible Studios Books Reviews
I'm a junior in college, well off, and in no sort of life-trouble. I've just never had confidence in myself. I never felt like I was ready to take charge of my life, have never dated, and was always one of the awkward kids who couldn't socialize with new people because my throat would fail to open and my tongue twists on itself every 3 words or so. I was fine with friends and family, most of the time at least (sometimes my parents made me ashamed of myself, despite them doing a single thing or saying a single word. I would simply anxiously think to myself "my parents probably even think I'm weird.")
3 days ago I felt I had hit some sort of rock bottom level of motivation and simultaneously had the highest levels of generalized anxiety I had ever felt. I have always had some degree of anxiety since my teenage years or maybe even earlier, but recently I felt like I was losing control of my mind, losing control of the voice inside my head. Any efforts I made to improve my mental condition were met with self-doubt, I would give up on my efforts, and my confidence would drop even lower. I recognized that I was at a point where I had the potential to spiral into a depression, because my anxiety was beginning to rise at an exponential rate.
I must admit I haven't read a book in years. I'm too lazy, reading is too boring, I don't like being told what to do, etc. All of these types of thoughts were preventing me from ever doing it, but I still passed through classes easily somehow, never improving my work ethic, or feeling proud of accomplishing something like reading a book.
Well, I read this book in 3 days. One day I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep, at approx 6 am. I get up at 11 or later most of the time so this was waaaay to early to get things done. But I couldn't fall back asleep and then my feelings of anxiety as usual just switched back on. Immediately I was just done with that feeling. It was getting worse, after all.
I went on , searched for "confidence books", found this one, didn't read any reviews but saw it had a good rating, bought it for , put it on my tablet, and started reading. It was a book that I trusted myself to at least open, and as soon as I did, I read some interesting stuff. I first read about how we are NOT our thoughts, we aren't all the culminations of the demands and actions of a dictator inside our head. Like some sort of mental trap, we have stuck ourselves in cycling lies such as a false understanding of motivation ("I'm waiting until I feel motivated to start running."), a false understanding of confidence ("I'm waiting until I feel confident before I try dating."), and a false understanding of fear ("I need to be fearless when I go up on that stage.")
I'm trying to stop myself from typing too much. I'm just so excited, because something I have never thought I would ever type into some sort of product review is, this has turned my life around. I redefined my understanding of confidence, have practiced the well researched psychologist-backed methods for defusing from your own thoughts to fully focus on what the senses and what is happening in the present, and finally I can see some sort of path towards improving my confidence. I am not saying after reading the book I am immediately super confident and can make myself do whatever I want to to improve my life, I'm saying I now have the tools and enough understanding of the human psyche that I can actually feel some sort of direction in my life.
I fully committed to what the book said. I was always a person who would just skip the details in most tasks. I didn't even read books before. But somehow, before I was reading the book, I had that stroke of anger, about my anxiety, that I felt propelled me into taking action, not this book specifically. But, thanks to specifically this book, I now know how I can CAUSE this to happen, not wait. Because I made an effort while using Russ's methods, and after I recognized that through his writing itself he was actually teaching us the basics of defusing from your thoughts (which blew my mind by the way, thank you Russ), I got totally engaged and focused in the book, and then the book taught me about focus itself, and how all we have to do to be focused and have to peak performance is to defuse and be mindful, and now it's just like everything makes sense. My head is clear. I didn't stop my thoughts, that's not what it's about. It is about truly understand that, once again, we are NOT our thoughts.
Last I will mention, without shame, that I had tried using drugs and alcohol to cope with anxiety over the course of about 2 years. This had definitely contributed to making my anxiety worse. I say without shame because I can now admit that I know it was wrong to use them to try and improve my confidence. It was wrong not because I was using illicit substances but because I had believed it to be the answer, and to believe the answer to improving my mentality and attitude towards myself was anything other than taking actual actions was one of the wrongest wrongs I have ever had commited in my life.
Now I am moving on. I have properly set goals for myself, like "jog 30 mins tonight", not "be the confident attractive beast you always dreamed of being." And if my mind tells me not to do it, and I can clearly tell that not doing it would not help me, then I have the tools to work around the feelings of discomfort and thoughts of "I can't do it.". And I will keep using these tools in other parts of life, parts I have not yet delved into.
I read a book for the first time in 3 years, and now I feel great.
“Whether you call it ‘lack of confidence,’ ‘fear of failure,’ ‘performance anxiety,’ or ‘self-doubt,’ the chances are it’s cost you dearly in your life. Take a moment to consider What have you given up? What have you missed out on? What opportunities have you lost because of it?
Over the years, I’ve worked with literally thousands of people who have put their hopes, dreams, and ambitions on hold because they ‘don’t have enough confidence.’ And the sad thing is, this lack of confidence is not due to any fault of their own. It is certainly not because of stupidity, or laziness, or negative thinking, or a deprived childhood, or a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is simply because they do not know the rules of the confidence game. ...
On your journey, you’ll discover a revolutionary new approach to maximizing human potential a model of change that is firmly based on cutting-edge research in human psychology. And you’ll learn to develop a mind-set known as psychological flexibility—a powerful mental state that enables you to respond effectively to fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. You’ll also learn to develop genuine, lasting self-confidence. And you’ll learn to enhance your performance in any area of your life—from sports, business, and creative arts to socializing, parenting, and sex!â€
~ Russ Harris from The Confidence Gap
Russ Harris is one of the world’s leading authorities on one of the most cutting-edge forms of therapy known as Acceptance and Commitment Training, or ACT for short (pronounced like the word act not A.C.T.).
ACT is essentially a powerful blend of mindfulness training and cognitive behavioral therapy. I’ll be covering Russ’s first book (The Happiness Trap) soon where he provides a general intro to it.
This book is, as you probably guessed by now, all about helping us optimize our confidence. Russ basically tells us that we’ve been following the wrong rule book if we want to dial in our confidence. He presents 10 rules on how to win the game of confidence we’ll explore in the Note.
I'm excited to share some of my favorite Big Ideas
1. Confidence Gap Defined - Thinking that feelings precede action. 2. 10 Rules - For winning the game of confidence. 3. Defusion + Workability - Two very important words. 4. Presto! Instant Success - The result of living your values. 5. FEAR -> DARE - How to make the switch.
More goodness— including PhilosophersNotes on 300+ books in our ​*OPTIMIZE*​ membership program. Find out more at brianjohnson . me.
Good read, although I will probably read again later in the year because there is a lot to take in. I do sales and make a lot of cold calling, so anything trying to help me muster up the confidence to excel in work (and in life for that matter) is of interest to me. I read half of the book on a flight to San Diego. The fact I could read for 6 hours straight on a plane should give you an idea of how helpful the book really is.
Don't read this book if you have a crappy job or are in a lousy relationship - otherwise you'll quit your job and become single again!
Note I listened to the audiobook with the book as a companion.
It was such a great book that I have purchased 4 additional copies and send them to friends! Not sure how this book has been under the radar compared to other books of its category but in my opinion, it is by far the most practical book I have read in the realm of self help since "first thing first" by Covey circa 1994!
The author explains concepts, gives personal examples, then gives exercises to readers/listeners. The book is an easy read but not easy to grasp. I probably listened to some chapters 5 -6 times. The book has a golden list of values that sets it apart from others. There are many concepts in the book to prepare you for the real world. I have found the following very useful so far
- Workability - Action first - Value based success
In the past 30 years, every decade, 1 or 2 books have been paramount to my personal growth and development, and "Confidence Gap" is definitely on this decade's list!
PS the narrator in the audio version has an amazing and captivating voice.
Download PDF Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci
Download As PDF : Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci
La commedia di Plauto racconta uno degli amori di Giove che, invaghitosi della bella Alcmena, non esita ad assumere le sembianze del marito di lei, per trascorrere una interminabile notte di passione, il cui frutto d’amore sarà Ercole. La vivacità del testo consiste nel ravvivare l’incontro dei personaggi divini con quelli umani, tratti in inganno dalla rappresentazione del doppio, nello scambio tra le identità. Particolarmente efficace il drammatico confronto del servo Sosia con Mercurio, che replica le fattezze del suo corpo, mettendone in crisi l’idea di sé e l’identità personale. Dal commediografo latino in poi, il tema del doppio si svilupperà con grande fortuna nella letteratura occidentale e sarà oggetto dell’indagine psicanalitica.
Download PDF Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci
Product details
File Size 4010 KB
Print Length 146 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
Publication Date January 15, 2019
Sold by Digital Services LLC
Language Italian
Tags : Buy Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi (Italian Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Tito Maccio Plauto, Fabia Zanasi, Alessandro Natucci,Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi (Italian Edition),Literary Collections / Letters,Literary Collections / Ancient Classical
Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci Reviews :
Download PDF KörperGeistSeeleDetox Wie wir uns rundum von Ballast befreien und neue Energie schöpfen Mit Heilmeditationen zum AudioDownload German Edition edition by Ruediger Dahlke Religion Spirituality eBooks